Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Issue #43 Seven Decades Of Lies

Ever since our military establishment took control of UFO crash retrievals and put a clamp on any information being released to the public, we have been fed one lie after another in the interest of "national security". That we should feel secure as a nation based on the lies we've been fed is an absurd idea at best! After all, if a government can lie to the people about the most important events in human history, whats to stop them from lying about anything else? Nothing erodes away trust quicker than being caught in a lie. Unfortunately, our government has been caught in several.

One of the consequences of going along with the lie as if it is the truth, is the funneling of enormous amounts of taxpayer monies in the search for life and extraterrestrial intelligence elsewhere in the universe. NASA has spent billions, if not trillions on a ridiculous search of the heavens for life, only to tell us that they can't find any signs of any other civilizations out there. As my friend Jeff Kropp said on Facebook, "What are they looking for, Mc Donald's golden arches?"

Thanks to the Freedom Of Information Act, thousands of pages of official military documents confirming our knowledge of an extraterrestrial presence have been released, yet that data is completely ignored by people looking for life elsewhere. A perfect analogy for the governments search for extraterrestrial life would be someone going down to the waterline at the beach, dipping a glass into the water, and when it comes out without a fish in it saying that there is no life in the ocean, while someone else barbecues a halibut a only few feet away! Keep in mind though that it's your taxpayer dollars paying for this.

There are also plenty of documents in researchers possession which clarify the governments stance on releasing any information to the public regarding UFOs and extraterrestrials. It is strict policy to NEVER release any information concerning either to the public, and media outlets have a similar policy of denial and ridicule. Thanks to Edward Snowden's release of documents to Wikileaks, I even found a document from the United Nations which states that England's official policy is to immediately shoot down any resolutions in the United Nations assembly that have anything to do with UFOs!

One of the problems stems from the publics belief that the government has their best interests in mind. The reality is that the government has it's own interests that supersedes the publics. There is an insatiable monster that must constantly be fed, known to most of us as the military industrial complex. Since their motto is "no breakage, no makeage" they have a need to keep us in a perpetual state of warfare or their gravy train will dry up. They've had their way for so long, that they will not go quietly into the night either, guaranteed. It is only when one starts examining the UFO phenomenon that they start to see how it all fits together, and the lengths that the government has gone to in order to keep the secret from the American people and the rest of the world.

I hope that this weeks issue inspires more research into the coverup, lies and disinformation. It is clearly time to put a stop to it, and to start a policy of openness and truthfulness. Lies are what an evil empire are based on, not a society such as ours  supposedly based on freedom and democracy. 

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