Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Issue #8 Increasing Your Foundation of Knowledge

This weeks topic is one of my favorites; reading! It is inescapable that in any quest for knowledge, one must do a lot of reading. Sure, there are a lot of videos on the internet, and admittedly some of them do a fantastic job of relaying information, however most of the information that I like to rely on as an investigator is based on hard data. That means a lot of reading. It also means that to be fair and impartial, one should read as many different accounts as possible, and refrain from forming any conclusions until all the data has been examined. Even then it may not solidify evidence of "one" solid conclusion, and I believe it possible for more than one version of events to be BOTH correct! After all, we are dealing  with entities apparently capable of telepathy, screen memories, missing time, etc. Is the idea of different memories from witnesses to the same event so far fetched of a concept? 

I tend to find most of the official scientific studies of great value, and I also appreciate other peoples views of the same studies. While the Air Force flat out lies in its assessment of Project Blue Special Report #14, I am still fascinated by the cases they do reveal, and their misinterpretation of the data, that most people just accepted without challenging. Of even more interest to me is Stanton Friedman's take on the report. If you've ever read PBBSR #14 (if not, you can order it from ), you know that it is full of a lot of charts, graphs, and solid data, for a fair amount of decent cases. Mr. Friedman uses the report frequently in his lectures, and the way he points out the discrepancies is both entertaining and informative. I would recommend reading all you can get your hands on by him in fact!

I would also recommend reading the University of Colorado study referred to as "The Condon Report". Although heavily biased against UFOs from start, one can easily come to the opposite conclusions simply by looking at the data!

Another cornerstone of UFOlogy, are the "MJ-12" documents. I find it remarkable that so many books and articles have been written about this small collection of documents. There are a lot of reasons why I believe in the validity of the documents, but I've also read many different accounts before I came to my conclusion.

Of course there are a lot of great books that have excellent accounts of cases, and are also fun to read! My personal favorites are by Noe Torres and Ruben Uriarte, and not just because they are friends! I bring home a LOT of books, and they usually lay around for family and company to read. Some get picked up, some only I have interest in. When I brought home a couple of Noe's and Ruben's books though, my family jumped on them! "Aliens In The Forest" and "The Coyame Incident" were big hits at my house!
I have to be a big fan of anything that grabs people's attention, and sparks their interest in the subject of UFOs! The more you know about the subject yourself, the more you can answer people's questions knowledgeably, and help direct them to to sources where they can read more.

I hope reading this weeks installment inspires everyone to read more! And please share with everyone! See you next week!

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